China has removed the minimum capital requirements for registering a new company, among other reforms aimed at lowering the threshold for business startups and stimulating the private economy.
上文中的business startups 就是“创业”。原来成立limited liability company (有限责任公司)、individual company (个体企业)和incorporated company (股份有限公司)分别需要3万元、10万元和500万元的minimum registered capital (最低注册资本),现在这些要求都将被取消。
此外,这次改革还取消了对the proportion and duration of the paid-in capital (首次出资比例和缴足出资的期限)的限制。改革的目的是建立一个高效透明的modern company registration system (现代公司登记制度),支持innovative enterprises (创新型企业)和micro-sized enterprise (微型企业)的发展。正文已结束,您可以按alt+4进行评论