童士豪于2013年加入纪源资本,目前担任管理合伙人。他领投超过15家早期投资项目,协助被投资公司成为行业内的领头羊。如:小米,凡客、开心网,蚂蜂窝,返利网,多盟都曾被他投资,2013年10月在香港联交所上市的云游控股(HKSE: 484),以及一嗨租车(NYSE:EHIC),2014年11月于纽交所上市。怎么样,这样的投资人你是不是也心动了?

▲沈劲,VP, Qualcomm
沈劲,全球副总裁 & 风险投资部中国区总经理。曾领导了高通向机锋网、汉翔(触宝)、网秦、中科创达、小米科技、易到用车、百纳(海豚浏览器)、爱乐奇、亿动传媒、神州鹰、云知声、触控科技等二十多家公司的风险投资。在风险投资上可谓独树一帜。

▲Suzuki Ryoichi, VP, Recruit
Vice President of Recruit Strategic Partners Vice President of China business development unit. In charge of the investment, business development and alliance in China. Ryoichi Suzuki was in charge of developing new businesses at Recruit Jobs Co., Ltd.In addition to the Job board business, which accounts for most of the sales at Recruit Jobs, he believes that it is necessary to create new profit sources. He is targeting various domains such as applicant tracking systems, assessment tools, video interview services, and human resource management outsourcing. Mr. Suzuki had been struggling to develop these into big businesses in the near future.
